Are you currently experiencing pest control problems? Luckily for you, Hart’s Extermination is a premier exterminator serving Mission Viejo, San Juan Capistrano, and Laguna Niguel, California. Hart’s Extermination has been ranked as one of the best exterminator companies in the area.
We specialize in bed bug treatment. Bed bugs are small flat and brownish in color. They measure between 4-5mm and shaped like an apple seed. Newly hatched nymphs may be difficult to see because they are whitish, but when they have their first blood meal they turn to a darker color.
Bed bugs crawl, and do not have wings or the ability to jump. They prefer to feed on humans and are transported from place to place by humans. While bed bugs are not known to carry diseases, their bite can irritate the skin. Some folks are highly sensitive to bedbugs and can have severe skin reactions.
Bed bugs are highly resistant to many over-the-counter products. It is best to call Harts Extermination for the right treatment.