Crickets are distantly related to grasshoppers. They have cylindrical bodies, round heads and long antennae. They have large rear thighs for jumping. They make a chirping sound by rubbing their front leathery wings together. Mostly nocturnal, the chirping you hear is the males trying to attract females.
Crickets feed on plants and other insects, even other crickets. If they get indoors they can damage fabric and carpet. In summer, crickets will want to go outside to feed. In the winter they will like to stay indoors for warmth and moisture.
Most crickets are brown but there are also some black and green ones. They are found on the soil hiding under dead or live plants. They hang around where ever it is humid and where there is plant material to eat
Young crickets look like adult crickets except they don’t have wings. As they molt when they grow they will develop wings. Crickets can live longer than a year but most usually don’t survive the winter.
If you’re seeing crickets inside your home, the more serious predators are sure to follow. So get rid of those crickets, fast. Call Hart’s Extermination.