Bees are flying insects similar to wasps and ants. They build colonies and help pollinate plants and trees. There are 20,000 known species of bees and represent 7-9 recognized families. The most well known bee is the European Honey Bee. They feed on nectar which they derive energy from and pollen for protein and other nutrients. Pollen is also used as food for the larvae.
Bee stings by themselves are not dangerous. They hurt yes. The danger comes when you upset a hive of bees and you get many stings. Africanized honey bees are very aggressive. Bees are very productive and provide many ecological benefits, however, sometimes a hive develops too close to animals or humans and they become a problem. You might find a swarm of bees infesting a wall or crevasse which can be undesirable. Sometimes hives put added weight on to a tree branch. What ever you do, don’t disturb the hive. Call Hart’s Extermination to inspect and take care of the problem the right way.